About Topia Garden Design Cheshire

Award Winner

Elaine qualified with distinction and best student prize in HND Horticulture and Landscape Design longer ago than she cares to remember (Wham! were in the charts). Later, she gained a DMS and is a Registered Member of the Society of Garden Designers (MSGD) and BALI (MBALI).

Elaine’s early career was spent in the public sector, writing contracts and overseeing the planting and maintenance of parks and gardens. The emphasis was on creating attractive green spaces using a limited selection of robust, vandal resistant plants with minimum maintenance requirements - quite a challenge! Now she creates more intimate, private gardens for individual clients and enjoys the freedom to use a much wider variety of plants and materials. Her previous experience allows her to design gardens that are not just beautiful, but functional and easy to care for.

Elaine received BALI National Awards for Design Excellence in 2018, 2019 and 2023.